
當存感恩的心 Give Thanks (中英文)







       但是時代已經改變,烹調技巧和製作方法都隨之改變。現代科學讓我們知道了許多有關食物營養和害處的知識, 如今更多的人更趨向追求簡單營養的食物,同時符合環保保護地球的概念。


        選取季節性的新鮮食材,盡量不要用太多處理製作過的食品。我記得小時候,祖母每天都去市場買菜的(其中原因是那時候還沒有冰箱)。英國人與法國人意大利人無法相比,他們很多人都是在超市購買成品半成品食物, 不能怪他們,因爲他們的血液中沒有美食的基因。

         選用簡單的烹調方法保留食物營養,這是最高難度和具挑戰性的,所以選用新鮮食材就顯得格外重要。 我常常很佩服那些可以把簡單食材變成美食的人。



        縂的來説, 無論何時,對你所擁有的吃感恩的態度,這樣你會覺得比很多人更有福、更知足。


There is only a very thin line between passion and sin, for instance, the attitude towards food.

I reckon the pursuit of extravagance as sin when wasting and cruelty are involved.

Today is Thanksgiving in North America. Are you grateful for your daily provision? You might say that you have worked hard to gain. But who has granted you the ability and wisdom? Or the air you breathe, the sunshine you have, and the land you cultivate, where do they come from?

I want to talk about the attitude towards good food today. It is just a thought. The pursuit of good food would make our lives more pleasant, bless ourselves and others. It is an attitude.

Enjoying food is one’s basic pleasure in life. We, Chinese rank food higher than sex. It explains why Chinese food is the so-called tastiest and fascinating. Good food is fundamental to quality living, and the joys of the table are still everything to the Chinese. Food is a constant topic of conversations and people always find the highlight of a day is when their feet are under the table.

But time has changed, so do the cooking skill and preparation, since modern science has more discovery in nutrition and hazardousness. People are more prone to choose simple yet tonic food when trying to be greener to the earth.

I would say the following are some basic principles for good food. They do not kill joy but are more sensible and environment friendly.

Choose available fresh seasonal ingredients, rather than stocking up on processed food. I remember when I was little, my grandmother would go to the food market daily for fresh produce. (One of the reasons is that there was no refrigerator.) The British have no comparison to the French and Italian. Many of them buy ready meals or half-ready meals from supermarkets. We can’t blame them because the good-food genes are not planted in their blood.

Use simple techniques in cooking to retain nutrition. This is the most difficult and challenging. Hence using fresh ingredients and making the most of them are crucial. I admire those who can turn simple ingredients into a delicacy.

Respect the land, the workers, the chefs, and the people who serve food. And treat the animal more humanely and avoid cruelty. The Chinese (especially those in the Mainland) have much to improve in this area.

And finally, give thanks to mother nature, for all the products granted, namely, give thanks with a grateful heart when eat, remember those who are starving elsewhere.

In general, be grateful for whatever you have had, then you will find that you are luckier than many people and you will be more contented.